The WiNoDa Helpdesk is our primary contact point. Do you have questions about collection data related to the history of the Earth and humanity, their management, tools for your research, training offers or the project in general? Our team is happy to assist you!
Do you have any questions or issues? Feel free to send us an email!
What is the WiNoDa Helpdesk?
The helpdesk serves as a central contact point for all questions about the project and scientific collection research. Even if you are unsure, it is worth reaching out. Our team of experts provides support and draws on an extensive network within WiNoDa and other initiatives.
Who can contact us?
Who answers the questions?
Our helpdesk team consists of experts from biodiversity research, archaeology, collection research, data management, IT infrastructures and open science. If necessary, we will forward the questions to appropriate experts within our network. Additionally, we maintain close collaboration with the NFDI4Biodiversity helpdesk.